Friday, March 7, 2025

Phoebe Peach - March 2025 Kit

 I hope you are all enjoying the colour kits I am putting together this year. I am enjoying working with the colours and themes. This month I included a shamrock leaf because of St Patrick's day on the 17th of this month.

This month I wanted to work with the Peach colour in my set of colours from last year so I chose Phoebe from the book of Romans as the one to feature.

Phoebe was a first century Christian woman mentioned by Paul recorded in Romans chapter 16 verses 1 to 2. She was a notable woman in the Church of Cenchreae, she was trusted by Paul to deliver a letter to the Romans. Paul refers to her both as a servant and a deacon and as a helper of many. This is the only reference in the Bible of a woman in such a role. 

(The previous words are based on information I found on the internet.) 

Because of the mention of Phoebe being a deacon lead me to include the scripture I created for this kit. "Respected" and "Integrity" are also characteristics we all should have towards others. I recently in a devotion read the following which I have typed up and display beside me where I sit at my computer to remind me that I need to remember all these points:

I will believe the best of everyone

I will not complain about anything

I will be thankful for all I have.

I will eliminate unnecessary stress from my life.

I will think positive thoughts

I will speak positive words


Now here is my kit for you this month:

 You can download this kit HERE


Monday, February 3, 2025

Lydia Lilac - kit for February 2025

 This month I chose  "Lydia Lilac"  for the name of my kit.  Lydia of the Bible was a seller of purple dye but her name does not start with the letter P so you will get a Purple kit later in the year.

In the Bible - Acts 16, Lydia of Thyatira shows us the importance of praying, listening, and obeying. She was a woman of means who showed generosity by inviting Paul and his companions into her home. She shows courageous hospitality and Lydia was open to God and listened to what Paul had to say.

The story of Lydia reminds us to open our hearts, homes and Churches to all people.

Now here is my the kit I designed for you all this month which I hope you enjoy using. Remember the papers and elements will all eventually work well together for all the kits this year and for the three Beatitude kits I gave away some time ago. 

You can download this HERE

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Gideon Green - kit for January 2025

 New Year Blessings to you all.

This year I am designing kits with colour themes with people from the Bible whose names start with the first letter of the colour. The colour swatch I am working with is the one I started to use for the few "Beatitude" kits I designed. So this year's papers and some embellishments should work with those few kits. 

Gideon's story is found in Judges Chapters 6 to 9.

God saw more in Gideon than Gideon saw in himself, and through this experience, Gideon found his true identity. Like many of us, Gideon defined himself by his circumstances. He assumed he was who people said he was, who he felt like he should be. But God calls each of us to more. 

May you all seek to know how God can use you where you live. 


Now my small kit for you to download and enjoy:

You can download this kit HERE