Friday, March 7, 2025

Phoebe Peach - March 2025 Kit

 I hope you are all enjoying the colour kits I am putting together this year. I am enjoying working with the colours and themes. This month I included a shamrock leaf because of St Patrick's day on the 17th of this month.

This month I wanted to work with the Peach colour in my set of colours from last year so I chose Phoebe from the book of Romans as the one to feature.

Phoebe was a first century Christian woman mentioned by Paul recorded in Romans chapter 16 verses 1 to 2. She was a notable woman in the Church of Cenchreae, she was trusted by Paul to deliver a letter to the Romans. Paul refers to her both as a servant and a deacon and as a helper of many. This is the only reference in the Bible of a woman in such a role. 

(The previous words are based on information I found on the internet.) 

Because of the mention of Phoebe being a deacon lead me to include the scripture I created for this kit. "Respected" and "Integrity" are also characteristics we all should have towards others. I recently in a devotion read the following which I have typed up and display beside me where I sit at my computer to remind me that I need to remember all these points:

I will believe the best of everyone

I will not complain about anything

I will be thankful for all I have.

I will eliminate unnecessary stress from my life.

I will think positive thoughts

I will speak positive words


Now here is my kit for you this month:

 You can download this kit HERE


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